Let There Be Light!!!

High quality landscaping can add so much to a home or business, especially when the landscaping brings color and creativity to the forefront. When a homeowner or business owner takes the next step and adds landscape lighting, the result has the potential to be phenomenal.

Landscape lighting really enhances attractive landscaping, and can make ordinary landscaping stand out and turn into attractive landscaping. Adding landscaping isn’t necessarily all that difficult or even terribly costly, but the curb appeal which good landscape lighting adds is undeniable.

When a landscape is lit up at night, it seems as though the space becomes alive with the combination of light and shadow. There are many things that can be achieved with landscape lighting, especially if it is bounces off of a wall, or used in soil drains or U-tube lighting.

In order to make landscape lights work, they have to be mounted properly. One tip for home projects is to use timers or motion detectors nearby. This will allow the lights to be aimed in areas of your landscaping design that you want lit up. You wouldn’t want to have lights in places where they could be easily damaged with pointy shrubbery or thorny bushes, and you don’t want to use motion detectors where you key in on areas that are outside of paths or paths to where you want to enhance them.

The first position you should put your lights in is in the back of your landscaping. The illumination from the back of the house would bounce off of the walls, and light up your landscaping more. And the next way you can use landscape lights to highlight or embrace an area is to keep the lights quite close to the ground in front of your home. Placing smaller lights approximately two to three feet off the ground on both sides of your home will illuminate your landscaping in a darker, more dramatic fashion than if they were four feet off the ground. Putting landscape lights at these two positions can have great highlights from the street, or if you prefer they can lead your eye into a feature like a rock wall, or another interesting shaped feature in the garden. Another place you can prefer them is near steps and stairs.

A trip around the perimeter of your pond if you have one, or along the edge of a deck, patio, or walkway can create great highlights for your landscaping. Use your favorite water feature, a bench, walkway, bench, rock walls or tree, fountain, bird house, bird bath, or other focal area that you have to draw the eye towards it. You have many choices, and when you’re creating a particular landscape just for you, it’s nice to use more outdoor lighting rather than regular lights that don’t really contribute to your landscaping design.

Whatever you do, don’t use floodlights, spotlighting, chalk board lights – anything that will give off extensive and unwilding illumination.

In such a manner when planning out your outdoor lighting, consider using wall sconces. You’ll be surprised at how there are wide choices available, and very easy to afford. They add wonderful light as well as definition and careful pattern coordination of your landscaping. Plus they make great conversation pieces.

Make sure you have good landscape lighting so that if you have visitors, that they can easily see to walk around or through your yards. You can use sensor lights to guide them to what you want them to walk in the dark. Then just watch as people will be intrigued by the foliage, lovely flower bushes, charming hedges, and all the other amazing accents to your landscaping that can be lit up by landscape lighting.

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