Do-It-Yourself Contemporary Landscaping

The information that I am about to provide for you is based on my experience as a professional landscape designer who designs a lot of landscapes for other people. In fact, I have designed over two hundred thousand landscape areas for over seventeen years. In addition, I designed landscape areas for other people and have done so for fifteen years.

I will be sharing with you my three main points in this article.

Asking yourself this question, just one question, will land you a lot of good ideas for landscaping.

Ideas for landscape designs will come to you from all kinds of sources. Some people like to browse through interior magazines, while others like to browse through a bunch of books and other places. Another great source of ideas would be television or Radio shows with landscaping programs. Just flip through these programs and hire some good landscape architects, skilled landscapers, landscape contractors, pin up your yard and landscape your home.

Lets take the first three categories, which are, home improvement, landscape design, architectural landscape design.

Landscape Design Ideas

The very first thing you need to do when you begin with a landscape design project, is to have a firm plan in place. This will help you during the implementation of your landscaping design. You should drawing up a plan, which includes: all the landscaping features that you want, structure, bed types, color and style, cutting edge, and planting arrangement. Find all the landscaping features that you want, such as the shrubs, trees, flowers, grasses, plants, trees, tract, area of lawn or land, and the colors that you want to use in this landscape design or other features.

During the planning of landscaping, you need to consider, trees, plants, grasses, flowers, perennials, annuals, annuals with Forget-the- seeds, annuals with bulbs, plants with bright colored leaves or flowers, and with heavy foliage and flowering heads, plants bearing flowers on a bloom stage, plants bearing fruit, plants with no flowers, plants which have Runningak scabs, and plants bearing fruit, both evergreens and conifers. You will want to also consider some feature plants, such as, concealing at hedges, possibly planting beneath trees, clipped plants, trees, shrubs, trees, or something else that will help define your landscape’s shape. It is advisable to keep these plants small, starting with the convex-leaved variety, which will go past theWhits Walkway, and into the back yard are an excellent choice. Medical plants can also be used together with the dwelling landscaping.


The main purpose of landscaping is for you to improve the property you own or to improve the property that you want to sell. Well designed landscaping will increase the value of your property by adding curb appeal. A good landscape should contain all the elements of beauty that helps enhance the visual appeal of the landscape. Exterior landscaping of your property along with the planting and there are many other landscaping ideas that will make the property more appealing, but your lawn is the first thing that people should notice.

Creating a lawn

Depending on your taste, there are several lawn choices that you can create for your landscape. Lawn choice can make your landscape appeal more and more. Landscape can be created using almost any type of material that reflects your personality. You can use shrubs such as roses, lilies, primroses, day lilies, frenzy plants, velvet grass, sedums, dany and mallows. For more traditional people, shrubs that resemble a hedge shape are appropriate. You can also use flowers. The flower choices include sunny lilies, zinnias, impatiens, day lilies, delphiniums, and geraniums. Greenery is very important part of your landscape because it is one of the key elements in a good landscape design.


Another key element in a good landscape is the sidewalk. This is a good choice for your property because it also provides a good first impression for your visitors. It is a good idea to provide your sidewalk with some greenery, foot steps and a walkway leading to the main entry of your house. This provides further beautification for your property. This is the most wonderful characteristic of your landscape. This can also make your property more inviting and it adds to your curb appeal.

Contemporary Landscape

A contemporary landscape, may be a little more complicated to design if you want to do it by yourself. The contemporary style of landscape design is for the quick and often many changes in shape when it comes to the different elements to be incorporated in the design.

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