Healthy Gardening – Landscaping Your Garden With Blueberry Bushes is Easy and Delicious

Growing Your Own Blueberry Bushes and Edible Plants Is Easy and Delicious

Landscaping is a creative and exciting opportunity to provide a sort of “eye candy” for your garden, or to create our own private get away from the world setting. Whether it be a lush backyard or an intimate patio design landscaping can create a personal intimate setting, or even set the character of your home.

Many people when landscaping think mainly of using ornamental plants, but edible landscaping can provide an alternative to traditional residential landscapes that you see in most home settings. Edible landscapes can be just as eye-catching, sometimes even more so, and yet produce an edible crop for your home use. It is possible to create an entirely edible backyard that is stunning to look at, or you can simply incorporate a few plants that will provide you with lovely color, and a few delicious edible fruits.

This article will center on the charming and productive blueberry bush that tolerates a wide range of soil conditions, and climates, is easy to grow, can be planted easily in pretty much any part of the country, and will offer you a bounty of gorgeous berries. Blueberry plants do not solely provide you with succulent juicy orbs, they are excellent for your health, add a delightful brilliant crimson red leaf color in the fall, and lightly aromatic flowers in the spring.

You have probably seen in the news, on the internet, or perhaps on the television that research studies shows how these simple little blueberries provide us with incredible health benefits. Blueberries are at the pinnacle of the antioxidant food chain making them one of the top producers of natural antioxidants. If you get pleasure from eating blueberries as much as I do, and creating tantalizing dishes out of natural healthy ingredients, than adding a couple of blueberry bushes to your garden or home landscaping is an attractive consideration.

Why Grow Your Own Blueberries

Blueberries when purchased at market can be costly, however, can you really put a price tag on your health? Most people will try and fit in the costly little gems to sprinkle on their morning breakfast cereal, or tuck into some pancake batter, but if there not in your budget your missing out on one of the top antioxidants with great health benefits.

The problem with most store bought blueberries is that they have been picking early and this affects their flavor. Having picked fresh berries off plants over the years there really is no comparison to the sweet delicious berries that fall off in your hand, and you scoop up to your mouth followed by the ubiquitous… Ummmmm – you just cannot help letting it escape, they taste so good.

High Prices, Tasteless, Pesticide Load- Store Bought Fruit

If you are like me, perhaps you are tired of paying the high prices that the grocery stores charged for tasteless blueberries. It does not help that most commercially grown produce has a risk of consuming pesticides. It has been documented by working groups that most conventionally grown blueberries are tiered near the low end of the Environmental Working Groups list of fruits and vegetables that carry the greatest pesticide load, but does that make them safe to consume daily?

I guess it was five or six years ago that I hatched a plan to grow blueberry bushes, and not only save myself some money at the market, but to get fresh berries that were naturally grown, and handpicked by me personally at the peak of ripeness for best flavor. I have not looked back, and have not been a prisoner of buying overpriced, chemically treated berries thanks to my great home garden.

Landscaping With Blueberry Plants

These bushes are a great edible landscape opportunity that offer amazing health benefits, as well as beauty, and more people should be incorporating them into their landscape designs.

Blueberry plants can provide excellent landscaping color, and texture to your landscaping, but one of the first decision is where to plant your blueberry bushes in the garden?

Blueberry bushes do not have to be planted solely for their succulent fruit, but also for their natural aesthetic landscape qualities as well. Bushes are more than fruit producers they are also splendid accent plants for your landscaping. Most landscape specialist will inform you that the right landscaping can considerably improve the value of your home and property, but while your living there you might as well enjoy the pardon the pun “the fruits of your labor”.

If you have an existing garden you need to be aware of the requirements of blueberry bushes. You can find all the information you need to grow blueberries, prune blueberries, plant blueberries, and the types of blueberry bushes on our site the link is below.

What Do Home Landscape Designers Suggest Planting?

You can make your landscaping more pleasing to the eye by choosing many different varieties of colorful plants, flowers, shrubs, trees and bushes of different heights, widths and sizes.

Planting the incorrect shrubbery without proper planning could result in you doing the hard work of transplanting, or dig up your plants at a later on. You do not want to do this believe me! Planning is key to a great landscape design.

Why not try to get it right the first time? Just sit down with some paper, and plan out where you want to place plants; the height and width of plants you are planting, the type of plants, and their light requirements, and their soil requirements, and in the end this will create a more appealing landscape for years to come.

Blueberry bushes grow at different heights, and produce berries at different times during the season. Planting a few different types of bushes that can cross pollinate, and stagger the fruit production can result in an amazing spring, summer and fall full of luscious delicious berries for cereal, jams, pancakes, pies, tarts, and so much more.

Creating an abundant edible landscape is easier than most people image, and provides an opportunity to save money, gain health benefits, as well as beautify your home. More people should be including edible plants into their landscape designs, and reaping the benefits.

To view photos, read up on blueberry antioxidant properties, and find more help on planting and growing blueberry bushes follow the link provided here to learn more about Growing Blueberry Bushes. Stay healthy, eat more blueberries!

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